Who are the people of Sarah's Place?

We are a community of laypeople whose lives have been touched by GPS or another poorly understood neurological condition. We are either some of the luckier ones, who have found the “other way round” and achieved great success in our fields, or people with friends or family members who are still struggling to find their way.

Many foundations that support research and treatment of people with a particular condition caused by some malfunction or “different function” of part of the human anatomy were founded by people with that condition and their friends and relatives. But what makes Sarah’s Place different is that we are determined to lead, not follow, the medical establishment. By that we mean, we are determined to insist that artificial medical categories give way to practical solutions and that narrowly focused academic research that does little to further understanding or help people yields to research that brings light and hope. We are determined to prod and push providers into listening and learning from those they treat. We are dedicated to supporting those who dare to innovate.
