vs. Dyscalculia:
What is the Role of Order?
These things we know. Many who can’t add, can’t
spell. Many who can’t read, can’t spell. Many
who can’t read share many characteristics with those
who have number processing problems. Reading, spelling,
and number manipulation all involve visual processing and
spatial relationships. The parietal lobes play an important
role in keeping things in processing spatial information.
Are we looking for the problem and the solution in the
wrong place? Is it less about reading or adding and more
about space and order?
Why do so many have trouble in one domain and not the
other, i.e., they can’t add but read like the wind
or vice versa? We need to understand more about the underlying
processing problems that separate and unite dyslexia and
dyscalculia. Maybe there’s just so much “order” certain
brains can handle and the allocation of that space to “letters” or “numbers” is
a nurture phenomenon. Or not. We need to know more.